Tuesday, June 16, 2009


Finding Your Subject
When discovering your inner photographer your subject matter is often the most difficult to determine. Think about what you are most interested in. What is it that you question in this world. When taking a photograph you are, in essence, stopping time. You are giving yourself and all viewers the chance to study, memorize, and investigate your subject. Look through your lens, whether it is the viewfinder or the digital monitor, and see what the camera is seeing. Scan the edges, what is in the center and what is the focal point. Everything within the frame is your photograph. Sometimes you can find the best subjects right under your nose. Have you ever tried using your macro feature? Its the one that looks like a flower. Macro means that your subject is captured on your image sensor at life size or larger. Use a tripod if you can.
This is a photograph of the smallest tomato in the world, says me. Sometimes the most extraordinary things are found in the most ordinary places. Keep your eyes open you never know what you may find.

About You
Does your mom still have your college photo hanging on the wall. Is that the most recent photo she has of you? Maybe its time to replace that one with a more recent rendition of yourself. If you don't want to be photographed solo you may want to include your family? no family.. how about your pet?
There are many reasons to have an updated and flattering portrait of yourself. Here are a few:
Business cards, Resume, Internet dating, Valentine's Day, High paying modeling job, Passport photo..
Let me transform you into your inner Heidi Klum or David Beckham, Whoo Hoo! Be yourself or be your fantasy. I'll do my job to put you in a relaxed and comfortable place that will release your true self. Treat yourself, you deserve it!!.

Home Work
Take this opportunity to shoot with your macro lens or setting. Get out this weekend and look for the little things in your life and turn them into something timeless and immortal. Then send your images to me with any questions you may have. I'll do my best to answer them and may include the Q&A in next month's news.

Roseanne Photography
Please send emails to roseanne@roseannephotography.com


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